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AI for Consumer Health

  • How do we ensure the use of AI in extended care settings such as transitions of care and AI in wellness and mental health apps can be validated to be safe and effective and not cause harm?

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Please take a look at this recent webinar that discussed these issues  DCI Network presents our latest webinar "AI in Healthcare: The Patient Perspective".

This engaging webinar explores various scenarios and the use cases where patients leverage AI to empower themselves. From interpreting lab results to making informed decisions about treatment options, the impact of these use cases promises to rebalance and democratize access to vital information and data. However, along with these benefits come potential risks. AI systems, particularly generative large language models, can provide newfound empowerment while simultaneously presenting challenges. This is the second installment in the DCI Network's series on AI in Healthcare, where we delve into these challenges from empowered patients' perspectives. Our esteemed speakers, Amy Price, Ph.D., and Dave deBronkart, both influential patient advocates with decades of experience, will share their invaluable insights on the subject and answer questions from the webinar attendees. Moderator: Steven E. Labkoff, MD, FACP, FACMI, FAMIA


  • How do we ensure the use of AI in self-care can be validated as safe, effective, and not cause harm without unduly constraining innovative uses?


  • Amy Price, PhD, BMJ Research Editor (Patient and Public Partnership), Senior Research Scientist, Stanford School of Medicine
  • Madeleine Clare Elish, PhD, Head of Responsible AI, Google Cloud
  • Paul Barr, PhD, Associate Professor, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Biomedical Data Science
  • Session Chair: Leon Rozenblit, PhD, Executive Director, QED Institute, Collaborating Scientist, Division of Clinical Informatics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

 Please add on this page you comments that you would like to see discussed at this session.

Dear Colleagues,

Alongside Megan Palmer and Natalie Barrett, I hosted this conversation (live) for Emory University today on the Future of Data, Bio, and Algorithms... there will be a transcript and YouTube video up later, however if you're interested in AI + bio, here's a fun dialogue with folks on the subject:

Additional ideas and comments welcomed - with highest regards,




Principal, LeadDoAdapt Ventures, Inc. & Distinguished Fellow

Henry S. Stimson Center, Business Executives for National Security